Hey guys, today I´ll show you the sources i usually use to get informed about all the news on esports world. This sources are not only informative, but interesting, with great content and talking about all games in general.
This is a spanish independent group of young people who loves videogames. They bring up a fresh style to the format, They are specialised at "Riot Games" videogames, such us League of Legends, Valorant, Legends of Runeterra... but they do not only inform about this, they talk, debate and give their opinion on any theme. They do have a program at twichtv where they do this and invite important names and expertes on the subject. They also have a website where you can find all the information you want to have. I really recomend this site, funny, interesting and proffesionals.
From a independent studio to a worldwide recognise organization dedicated to videogame journalism with houdreds of workers that write down their opinion on the latest consoles and games releases of any type, from the new Super Mario switch remakes to the latest playstation 5 event. If you want to know something about your favourite game or if you have doubts wich game should you buy here you´ll find the answer.
Jaime Altozano, better known as "Dayo" is a independent spanish videogame journalist, who has worked with big companies like Eurogamer, but now he is running a Youtube channel with more than 500.000 subscribers and a twich channel. In his youtube channel you will find a lot of videos, rankings, opinion, history and other kind of videos like how are politics envolved videogames or just talking about cinema and tv shows. He argues really well his opinions and you have multiple choices on his chanel, you can also read his articles on the internet.
Alejandro was a youtuber that moved to twich he has been playing videogames on a amateur level for more than ten years. He is not a specialist he doesn´t know about super specific aspects of games or anything near that. He is just a gamer, he likes playing videogames, you will always find him playing live on his twich channel, and he will give you hi´s honest opinion, from a average player if he enjoyed or not the game what did he like or dislike about it, no advanced details or facts, just gameplay experience.
LoL Eports.
To finish up with this list i´ll mention the oficial League of Legends eports website. Here you will find news funny tags and chalenges with pro players, videos, analysis etc. You will also have special reports, articles and first handed information.
This is all from me for this week. I hope you will find this as interesting as usefull.
Hope you enjoy the post and thak you for reading it!
See you all next week.
Álvaro Eugenio.