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Esports in Media


Hey everyone, Álvaro here. Today i´ll be talking about the relation of media and Esports.

Like every other person or bueiness, players and team organizations do have profiles in social media. Not only their websites, but instragram, twitter and others. Many players are your people, usually between seventeen to twenty five or twenty six, so they are tech natives, and they have a full comprenhension of what these are and how to use them.

Not only players but the teams know how important is to have a big fanbase, so they have to use a lot these resources if they want to make themselfs fans. Because traditional media, like TV or newspapers do not talk about them, outside from special reports.

One of the biggest teams in Esports history is Faze Clan and they do have a big relevance in social media, 10M in instagram, 8M in youtube, 5M in twitter.

As the team and organizations are pretty new and they depend on if they are or not succesfull. If they are not the investors usually just stop giving money tp these team and they disapear. And only some teams win so a lot of them don´t survive to the need of money. And so a lot of teams are created and then they are dissolved in the timespace of a year.

Also players need a fanbase, people who support them no matter what team they are in, they usually need to be carismatic to get the attention of the public, outside of course how good they are, or theyre career achivments.

Here you have a list of the teams with the most followers so you can have a idea on who dominates and the relation it has between the number of follwers and how successful are these organizations.


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Thank you gamers

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